Top 5 Radio Spots

I love radio. No other medium lets a writer flex their creative muscles more. The only limits are one’s imagination… and occasionally the client. But here’s the funny thing I’ve found over the years, if the client trusts you, they usually stay out of your way. I’ve been fortunate to have many trusting clients and have produced hundreds of spots. That said, it was hard for me to pick just five. I suppose of all of these, the commercial for Shorewest Realtors is my favorite. Not to brag, but it was a favorite of the Mercury judges as well and actually earned me their $5,000 prize. Pretty cool for 60 seconds of talking and sound design.


Shorewest Realtors :60 Radio ($5,000 Mercury Winner)


Batteries Plus :60 Radio


Friese-Mueller :60 Radio


Foster Care :60 Radio


Milwaukee Area Radio Stations :60 Radio